Color Analysis

Elevating confidence is the mission behind Kajal’s color analysis consultation, which analyzes skin tone, eye color and hair color to determine an individual’s ideal color palette to draw out their natural beauty. Kajal’s color analysis takes a close look at various colored drapes positioned close to the face to determine which ones complement skin tone to present a healthy, fresh-faced appearance. Clients will leave their consultation with an understanding of their seasonal grouping – Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn – for a wardrobe that will spark compliments. Kajal also provides expert insight on wearing your favorite colors – even if outside your ideal palette ­– with tips and tricks for how to thoughtfully combine them. With Kajal’s expertise, clients can shop for clothing and makeup with a renewed sense of confidence, focusing on colors that flatter and help you put your best foot forward.

Kajal’s color analysis services also extend to business professionals seeking their most flattering headshot and heightened confidence when meeting with clients. Her unmatched expertise in determining color palettes empowers professionals to reach new levels of success.

Virtual color analysis consultations are also available using photographs that highlight natural skin tone and eye color, followed by a video call. Kajal will review your color palette, demonstrate using drapes as she would in-person, and discuss how to incorporate your most flattering colors with clothing and beyond.

A Testament to Kajal’s Color Expertise:

“Kajal is the kindest soul I’ve ever met. She listens, offers non-judgmental support and is inspirational without even realizing she is. While going through my colors, she helped me understand why certain shades work better than others. After establishing I am a Winter palette, we went through my existing wardrobe and she showed me why certain necklines, skirt lengths and trouser cuts work well for me. At the end, I cleared out clothes that didn’t support my palette and body shape, and we headed out for a shopping spree. Over the next few months, I confidently chose more colors and styles suitable for me. Since my color analysis, I’ve gotten married and had a baby – and my winter palette has walked this journey with me!”

~ I Mistry, UK Luxury Realtor