Know How Wearing The Right Colors Impact You And Make You Look Slimmer!


Colors are the greatest gift to our eyes! And the fashion industry couldn’t agree less. Did it ever occur to you that some colors invite so many compliments while some dull us out and make us think, “Is this really my color?”
Some of us are not sure as to what this phrase means. And if this is the case with you too, let us give you a brief. 

There are scientific reasons why a particular set of colors favor a person’s natural color and why some don’t. Also, why wearing specific colors makes you the center of attraction while others draw out your flame. Do you also know that black is not always the savior for looking more sharp and fierce? Surprising, right? 

Let’s dive into color analysis to know more. 

What exactly is Color Analysis?

If you think that only people from the fashion and cosmetics industry should undergo the color test, you’re wrong! This process can help anyone understand how specific colors affect their appearance and which colors can help them look slimmer. It also enables you to identify the colors that don’t do justice to your charismatic personality. It allows you to open your wardrobe to an array of colors that are the best for you. There are very high chances that you might have been accidentally ignoring these colors throughout your life but no more!

Debunking the black makes us look slimmer myth

There’s only one thing that hasn’t changed through the changing eras and styles, the misconception that black makes us look slimmer. While many fashion enthusiasts firmly believed this myth for centuries, neuroscientists from the State University of New York have come up with a scientific explanation to debunk this myth. 

As per the professionals, neurons in our body often exaggerate the size of light stimuli, whereas it views dark colors exactly how they are. So, we can conclude that our eyes view dark colors differently. Thus, there is no reason for believing that the color black can specifically make us look slimmer. It seems like a navy blue jumpsuit can also do the job!

Effects of wearing a color darker than your tones

While there are no hard and fast rules here, you must know how the colors that are not best suited for you can respond to your skin tone. Wearing colors darker than your tone can often leave you looking washed out or exhausted. For instance, if you have a pure calm tone, i.e., your natural coloring is usually ashy, wearing bold, dark, and empowering colors is not recommended for you— as it can disturb your calm and sophisticated demeanor.

Similarly, if you have a clear warm skin tone, i.e., if gold jewelry is your best friend, you should avoid dark and dusty colors as your skin needs colors that make you pop rather than taking you down. In such cases, wearing darker colors can make you miss out on the massive list of compliments you could have received.

Effects of wearing a color lighter than your tones

It has been noticed that wearing a color lighter than your tone can fade away the sharpness of your features or make you look like you have gained a few pounds. Well, you wouldn’t want that to happen after following your weight loss diet with such dedication. Let us give you a few examples— for instance, if you have a clear, calm skin tone, i.e., your eye and hair color are extremely clear and intense, it is highly advisable to stay away from light or pastel shades. These colors can lead to a monotonous look, not contrasting with your rich and crisp features.

Let us take another example to explain this in a better way. In case you have a muted warm skin tone, which means your natural coloring speaks spicy and fiery, you must stay away from cool and pastel shades. Well, you know why! These lighter shades can kill the intense look you have been gifted with!

How color analysis helps you define yourself better?

Color analysis is a way to look vibrant and healthy. Wearing colors as per your color palette makes you look fitter, healthier and your skin glows more vibrantly. It has also been noticed that wearing the right colors that suit your skin tone makes your teeth look whiter, and even the dark circles under your eyes seem minimalized. You might not believe it, but as per Carol Tuttle, master energy healer, dressing in the wrong color can also make you tired.

Moreover, it saves a lot of time and effort once you have a color palette ready or even better if your wardrobe is prepared as per your color analysis. How? Just imagine opening your closet on a busy Monday morning and knowing exactly what you should wear to work to ace that crucial meeting. Such bliss! No more spending hours wondering which color shirt should be paired with your black pencil skirt. Can you hear convenience knocking at your door?


It looks like color analysis not only saves you from making fashion blunders but also helps you enhance your best features most simply. The analysis is based on your skin tone, and to determine the exact type, you need a professional stylist for guidance.

Kajal Styles, a renowned personal and home color expert, helps you undergo a makeover for enhanced confidence and refreshed style. We explain to our clients the seasonal group they belong to, i.e., Winter, Spring, Summer, or Autumn, can bring out their natural beauty! Kajal, a professional stylist, believes color analysis is a one-time investment that helps you throughout your life. Keep in mind; there is no right time or certain age for investing in your beauty, so get in touch with us today!
